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Juniper Coffee in Norwich has reopened under new management

Juniper Coffee Shop in St Stephens Road has reopened under new ownership after being closed since July. The business is now run by a team of three friends who were previously regular customers at the café. Kamal Tazerout, Brahim Nour, and Kamel Medgahed were customers for five years before becoming owners. The new owners have expressed their excitement about taking over the business, stating that the customers at Juniper are like a group of friends to them. They have received positive feedback during their opening weekend.

The new menu at Juniper Coffee Shop features a range of breakfast items, as well as Mediterranean and Algerian dishes. The owners are particularly proud of the unique food they offer, stating that it cannot be found in any other shop in Norwich. They have a personal connection to Algeria and are eager to share its cuisine with the people of Norwich. The coffee shop is now open at its original location on 13 St Stephens Road.

The reopening of Juniper Coffee Shop has brought joy to its loyal customers, who have missed the warm atmosphere and unique flavors it offered. The fact that the new owners were once regular customers themselves has generated excitement, as it suggests that they truly understand and appreciate what the café means to its patrons. The positive feedback received during the opening weekend indicates that the new owners are successfully carrying on the spirit of Juniper Coffee Shop and maintaining its reputation for excellent service and delicious food.

The addition of Mediterranean and Algerian dishes to the menu adds a new and exciting dimension to Juniper Coffee Shop. With the promise of unique flavors that cannot be found elsewhere, customers are eager to try these dishes and expand their culinary horizons. The connection between the new owners and Algeria adds a personal touch to the café, making it feel more authentic and inviting. By embracing their cultural heritage, the owners have created a welcoming space that celebrates diversity and encourages customers to explore new tastes.

Overall, the reopening of Juniper Coffee Shop under new ownership has been met with enthusiasm and excitement. The new owners, who were once regular customers themselves, have successfully carried on the café’s warm atmosphere and excellent service. The addition of Mediterranean and Algerian dishes to the menu has introduced new flavors to the customers, creating a unique culinary experience. With their personal connection to Algeria, the owners have created a space that celebrates diversity and invites customers to explore different cultures through food. The future looks bright for Juniper Coffee Shop as it continues to be a beloved destination for both old and new customers alike.

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