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John Lee to launch the Feel Good Foundation with charity cycle

A 35-year-old man named Mr. Lee is embarking on a 1,000-mile cycling journey from Greece to Rome over the course of 10 days. This epic cycle is not only a personal challenge for Mr. Lee but also serves as a way to raise awareness and funds for his new charity called the Feel Good Foundation. The journey, which is set to begin on October 12, will take him across countries such as Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, and Italy, where he will finish in Rome. Mr. Lee will travel alone, relying on his bike and a tent for accommodation, and will need to find campsites along the way.

Mr. Lee currently runs an ice cream business called the Feel Good Ice Cream Co, which operates out of a converted horse box and is often found outside the Red Lion pub at Bishopsgate in Norwich. Inspired by his passion for exercise and adventure activities, Mr. Lee aims to establish a local version of the Make-A-Wish Foundation through his new charity. The Feel Good Foundation will focus on helping individuals and groups who face inequalities by providing them with opportunities they might not have access to otherwise. By doing so, Mr. Lee hopes to make a life-changing impact for those in need at least once a year.

During his journey, Mr. Lee will document his experience and share it with others on his Instagram page @feelgood_icecreamco. This allows supporters and followers to stay updated on his progress and engage with his mission to raise awareness for his new charity. Through this epic cycle, Mr. Lee aims to not only challenge himself physically but also make a difference in the lives of those facing inequalities. With the Feel Good Foundation, he hopes to give individuals and groups the chance to experience something they might otherwise never have the opportunity to do, thus fulfilling his passion for volunteering and helping others.

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