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Future Projects to open new Norwich charity shop in Marl Pit

Future Projects is planning to open a store at its Baseline Centre in Knowland Grove in the Marl Pit estate. The charity, which provides support to vulnerable people across Norfolk, will operate the shop from its existing front office at the centre. The move is aimed at helping to fund and sustain the charity’s services in the local area. There are no plans for any structural changes to the building, and the centre’s opening times will remain the same. The charity believes that the establishment of the shop will provide a significant additional income stream and enable them to continue supporting local people with a range of challenges, including housing, finances, employability, loneliness, isolation, health and wellbeing, family and domestic issues, and crime.

The decision to open a store at the Baseline Centre is part of Future Projects’ efforts to generate additional income to support its community services. The charity is committed to providing support to local people facing a range of challenges, and the new store is seen as a way to help fund and sustain these services in the local area. This initiative is part of the charity’s broader mission to provide assistance to vulnerable individuals and families in Norfolk, with a focus on addressing various issues such as housing, finances, employability, loneliness, isolation, health and wellbeing, family and domestic challenges, and crime. The establishment of the store is expected to serve as a significant additional income stream for Future Projects, contributing to the organization’s ongoing efforts to support the community.

The planning documents submitted to Norwich City Council outline Future Projects’ plans for the new store at the Baseline Centre. According to the documents, no structural changes will be made to the building, and the opening times of the centre will not be affected. The charity believes that the shop will provide a substantial source of additional income that will contribute to funding its community services. This financial support will enable Future Projects to continue its vital work in supporting local people facing various challenges. The charity’s services are designed to assist individuals and families in need, providing them with resources and support to address issues such as housing, finances, employability, loneliness, isolation, health and wellbeing, family and domestic challenges, and crime. By establishing the new store, Future Projects aims to create a sustainable source of funding for its valuable community services, ensuring that it can continue to make a positive impact in the local area.

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