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Flicka in Norwich Lanes to close and move solely online

Emma Biggie, the owner of Flicka, a Scandinavian-style shop in Norwich, has made the tough decision to close her independent store. She opened Flicka in July 2020, signing the lease before the pandemic hit. The shop sells a range of products including interiors, toys, decor, gifts, accessories, and clothes for children.

Biggie cites a drop in footfall as one of the main reasons for closing the shop. She believes that the cost of living crisis has meant that people have less disposable income, resulting in fewer customers. Additionally, Brexit has caused her to lose many of her Scandinavian suppliers, and the pandemic has presented numerous challenges for her business since its inception.

However, despite the closure of the physical shop, Biggie remains positive about the future of Flicka. She plans to focus on growing the online component of her business and expanding the Flicka website, which offers nationwide delivery.

The closure of Flicka will take place at the end of the year. In the meantime, the shop is offering a 20% discount on all items during its last full week of operation and will continue to be open on weekends until its final closure date. Biggie expresses gratitude for the support she has received from her customers and will miss them dearly.

In conclusion, Emma Biggie’s decision to close Flicka, her independent shop in Norwich, is primarily driven by a drop in footfall, loss of suppliers due to Brexit, and the challenges posed by the pandemic. However, she remains optimistic about the future and plans to focus on growing the online aspect of her business. The physical store will close at the end of the year, but customers can still take advantage of discounts before its final closure. Biggie expresses her appreciation for the support she has received from her customers.

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