Warm hub re-opens at Norwich church

Chapel Field Road Methodist Church in Norwich has expanded their ‘just come’ group to create a warm hub that is open to everyone. The hub, which will reopen in the autumn, will now meet fortnightly on Wednesdays from November 15 to December 13, and then from January 10 to March 20, 2024. Those attending the hub will be provided with hot drinks and are encouraged to bring a packed lunch. Additionally, participants are welcome to bring activities such as knitting or crafts to enjoy during their time at the hub. The ‘just come’ group is designed to be an open space where people can come for conversation and engage in activities such as playing games like Scrabble. Some attendees even contribute to charitable causes by sorting stamps or creating model railway wagons. For those who enjoy artistic pursuits, drawing and painting are also encouraged. Anyone seeking more information about the hub and its activities can contact the office at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm.
The expansion of the ‘just come’ group at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church in Norwich aims to create a welcoming and inclusive space for people to gather and engage with one another. By providing a hub that is open to all, the church hopes to foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for social interaction. The hub will meet on a regular basis, allowing participants to connect with others on a fortnightly basis. Hot drinks will be provided to ensure a comfortable environment, and attendees are encouraged to bring a packed lunch to enjoy during their time at the hub. In addition, individuals are welcome to bring activities such as knitting or crafts to keep themselves occupied during the gatherings. This not only provides a source of entertainment but also offers a creative outlet for those who enjoy such pursuits.
The ‘just come’ group at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church offers a variety of activities and opportunities for engagement. While conversation is a central aspect of the group, games such as Scrabble are also offered as a means of entertainment. Moreover, attendees have the option to contribute to charitable causes by sorting stamps or creating model railway wagons. These activities provide a sense of purpose and allow individuals to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact. For those with artistic inclinations, drawing and painting are also encouraged. This allows individuals to express themselves creatively and potentially discover new hobbies or interests. Overall, the ‘just come’ group strives to create a welcoming space where individuals can engage in meaningful activities and cultivate connections with others.
Anyone seeking more information about the hub and its activities can contact the office at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church. Staff members are available to answer any questions or provide additional details about the group and its gatherings. The office can be reached during specific hours, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. By contacting the office, individuals can gather all the necessary information to decide if the ‘just come’ group at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church is a suitable option for them. Whether it’s information about meeting dates or specific activities, the office is equipped to meet the needs of those interested in participating. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space where individuals can gather, socialize, and engage in activities that resonate with them.