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Why looking after your teeth could help prevent Alzheimer’s

The author begins by sharing a link to a classic comedy sketch that they enjoyed. They then bring up a podcast they heard about the link between poor dental health and the high incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. The author believes this is crucial information and proceeds to explain the issue.

Most people primarily worry about toothache and the appearance of their teeth. Toothache is a miserable experience and avoiding it is a priority. As people age, teeth tend to deteriorate, and many individuals avoid smiling due to stained or uneven teeth. However, there are more serious dangers linked to dental health. Multiple research studies have shown a connection between tooth loss and cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. It is unclear whether inadequate dental hygiene is a cause or result of early dementia. Unhealthy teeth and gums can also contribute to other illnesses, such as stroke, heart disease, diabetic complications, and pneumonia, as bad bacteria from the mouth can damage other parts of the body.

The author emphasizes the seriousness of these concerns, especially since the number of NHS dentists is diminishing. Many dentists have been leaving the health service, and in 2021 alone, 2,000 were lost. Of the dentists remaining in the NHS, nearly half are considering changing careers or seeking early retirement. This shortage has led many people to opt for private dental care, but this can be expensive, causing individuals to delay routine dental appointments to save money. However, neglecting oral hygiene can have long-term consequences. Many individuals do not brush and clean their teeth thoroughly, which can lead to the buildup of bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach areas. Only a dentist or hygienist can properly address these problems, preventing potential health issues.

The author warns readers not to neglect their oral health as it may prove to be a costly mistake in the long run. Saving money in this aspect may result in extensive dental issues and jeopardize both general and cognitive health. The author concludes by referencing a poem by Pam Ayres, who believed her teeth were beyond saving, and emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s teeth, especially in light of the dangers associated with poor dental health.

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