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The Gordon in Thorpe St Andrew launches new Thai menu

The Gordon, a pub located in Thorpe St Andrew, is set to serve food for the first time as Jaa Fisher takes on a new kitchen residency. Fisher, who is the owner of the Thorpe Ferry Cafe, has taken on this new venture while her own restaurant is closed for the winter. This will be Fisher’s first time working in a pub, and she is excited about the challenge and looking forward to welcoming the community.

The pub was recently taken over by Niki and Scot Hemmings in September of this year. They had previously run the pub from 2016 to 2020. The new menu at The Gordon will feature a variety of Thai dishes, including curries and sticky rice. In the coming weeks, there are plans to develop a dessert menu as well. The Hemmings are thrilled to team up with Fisher and bring delicious food to The Gordon. They believe Fisher has a great reputation in the area for her food.

Thai Dining with Jaa will officially launch at The Gordon on October 27. This collaboration between Fisher and the Hemmings is an exciting opportunity for both parties to showcase their culinary skills and offer the community a unique dining experience. With Fisher’s expertise in Thai cuisine, patrons can expect a diverse and flavorful menu. The addition of food service at The Gordon is sure to attract new customers and enhance the overall dining experience at the pub.

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