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Paul’s 70th 70k run raises £7k for Compassion UK

Norwich resident Paul Coleman celebrated his 70th birthday by running 70 kilometers to raise funds for a charity project in Togo. The run took place on October 8th and saw Paul traverse through Norfolk, starting from his home in Spixworth and ending at Soul Church. The challenge proved to be physically demanding and required Paul to overcome negative thoughts during the run. He attributed his success to the love and support of his wife Linda. The funds raised will be used to establish an agroecology center in Togo, which will promote sustainable agriculture practices and benefit sponsored students and their families.

The agroecology center will become a hub for learning and development in the Maritime Region of Togo. It will feature various facilities such as a solar-powered borehole, a training room/office, a dormitory with toilets, and a biodigester for organic waste conversion into fertilizer. By implementing sustainable agricultural practices in the region, the center aims to alleviate current food insecurity issues and provide long-term solutions. The success and learnings from this initiative will inform future plans in creation care and livelihood work to support children and families throughout Togo.

Paul’s run received support from his family, who joined him at different points along the route. They either ran alongside him or helped with supplies, while also offering prayers for his success. The generous donations from numerous individuals have contributed to the incredible cause, and it is still possible to sponsor the initiative by visiting challenges.compassionuk.org. Paul expressed his gratitude to all the donors, stating that their contributions would bring enormous relief to children and families in Togo.

This fundraiser marks the beginning of Compassion’s ambitious plans to address present challenges and mitigate long-term food insecurity in Togo. The agroecology center and other initiatives, such as farm schools and savings schemes, will provide valuable insights and experiences that will shape future strategies in creating a sustainable and supportive environment for children and families. The ultimate goal is to break the cycle of poverty and provide a brighter future for the people of Togo.

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