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St Martins works with Haircuts4Homeless barbers in Norwich

Haircuts4Homeless Norwich, a collaboration between the national charity Haircuts4Homeless and the local homelessness charity St Martins, provides monthly haircuts to those in need. The initiative was started by Conor O’Brien, owner of the Upper Goat Lane salon Flint. The haircuts are available to around 300 individuals at St Martins’ learning and development centre called Under One Roof, where various activities, including IT skills, art, and music, are offered. The service is particularly valuable for those with mental health issues, as the hairdressers’ people skills help alleviate their conditions.

Gemma Chivers, the coordinator at Under One Roof, believes that getting a haircut is the best medicine. Many individuals leave the centre with a smile on their face and a spring in their step after receiving a haircut. The hairdressers’ ability to provide a familiar and comfortable space for individuals with mental health issues is crucial, as they may not be able to book appointments with regular hairdressers or barbers due to their conditions. The haircuts provided by Haircuts4Homeless not only enhance the services offered by St Martins but also contribute to building a sense of community among those who receive the haircuts.

The collaboration between Haircuts4Homeless and St Martins has had a positive impact on the individuals who receive the haircuts. One person who had their hair cut described feeling wonderful afterwards. St Martins’ spokesperson emphasizes that not all individuals who visit the centre are homeless; many have mental health issues that limit their ability to access regular hairdressing services. The presence of Haircuts4Homeless volunteers and their skills and expertise enrich the services offered by St Martins, allowing the individuals they support to learn new skills or reestablish old ones.

The Haircuts4Homeless initiative in Norwich is led by Conor O’Brien from Flint’s salon. St Martins is grateful for the volunteers who dedicate their time and skills to help those in need. The collaboration not only provides necessary haircuts but also helps improve the overall well-being and self-esteem of the individuals involved. The next Haircuts4Homeless session in Norwich is scheduled for November.

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