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New toilet and kitchen at Whissonsett church

St Mary’s Church in Whissonsett, located five miles south of Fakenham, has recently completed a six-year project to install an accessible toilet and kitchenette. The project, which involved planning, fundraising, and obtaining grants, was initially delayed due to necessary repairs to the church’s leaking roof. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic further postponed the project as it prevented the Parochial Church Council (PCC) from meeting and finalizing the plans. However, with the support from grant organizations such as the National Churches Trust, Geoffrey Watling Trust, and Garfield Weston Trust, as well as donations from the local community and church family, the project has finally come to fruition. A special service led by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, will be held on October 15th to dedicate the new facilities, with donors being invited to attend.

The addition of the accessible toilet and kitchenette has already made a significant difference to the church community. Previously, members had to fill flasks with hot water at home and bring their own washing up supplies for refreshments after services. The completion of the project has eliminated these challenges, providing a more convenient and accessible space for gathering and socializing. However, the construction work over the past six months did require the closure of the church to visitors and halted the use of the church bells due to electrical work being carried out in the bell tower.

For other churches or Parochial Church Councils facing similar projects or urgent repair work, the Care of Church Buildings team can provide support. Frances Jackson, the Historic Church Building Support Officer, can offer guidance and also connect parishes with a Church Building Ambassador. This assistance can be invaluable when navigating the various aspects involved in church renovations or repairs.

Nestled in the rural village of Whissonsett, St Mary’s Church is a picturesque example of Norfolk’s ecclesiastical architecture. The image of the church used in this article is credited to Simon Knott at norfolkchurches.co.uk. The completion of the accessible toilet and kitchenette marks an important milestone for the church and represents the culmination of the dedication and hard work put forth by the community and various organizations involved in the project.

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