Norwich Christian project saves club from closure
Norwich Christian project ENYP has taken on the Marlpit Youth Club, which was at risk of closure. The club was previously staffed by volunteers, who had been running it since Norfolk County Council funding ended a few years ago. ENYP has met with the current team and will be taking ownership of the club under their existing youthwork activities. The club sessions will resume in the next few weeks and will be delivered fortnightly. ENYP will work with the club volunteers to develop their leadership skills with the support of experienced and trained youth workers. Liz Fredericks, Community Support Worker for Momentum, expressed her pleasure that ENYP is taking over the club and knows that they understand the importance of providing positive activities for young people. ENYP is committed to growing and developing the club so that it can offer an exciting range of activities and opportunities for young people in the local area. Danny Doran-Smith, Director of ENYP, said that they are pleased to be able to work in partnership with local communities and other organisations to ensure that activities continue to be available to support young people’s development. The club will be branded under ENYP’s delivery models 180 and Download clubs, which support young people in both primary and high schools. Sessions will start on 30th January and will run fortnightly. The club will also provide the opportunity for young people to participate in the Arts Award scheme and achieve a certificate for participating in arts-based programmes and activities. For more information, please contact Ellie Payne or visit the ENYP website.