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Norfolk based Comic Relief life coaching

The Matthew Project Youth Team is delighted to announce a new, Comic Relief Life Coaching Service for young adults aged 16 to 24 years old across Norfolk. They are looking forward to launching this new project and raising funds for Comic Relief at their Bake Off/Cake Sale

The bake off and cake sales takes place on Thursday March 12, 2015, 12-2pm in the Virgin Money Lounge in Castle Street, Norwich.

The Matthew Project has trained Life Coaches within the team who are on hand to support on a one to one basis within streams of health, wellbeing and drugs and alcohol. The Youth Team will be delivering pop up drop-ins around the county to promote this service and offer onsite information, advice and guidance. The team will also be offering workshops to post 16 providers and will be raising awareness of drugs & alcohol and safer practices so that young adults feel resourced to make the right decisions.    

John’s story

John, aged 23 found it difficult to engage with services due to his chaotic lifestyle. He had a court case pending, needed support with housing and was using drugs and alcohol which caused him to become violent. John self-referred himself into the Life Coaching service and met Gail, with whom they addressed the issues John had and developed achievable goals together. John had a new priority in his life, he was soon to become a dad. Through support from the Youth Team John has stopped his substance use, obtained funding for future education, is engaging with a young father’s support group and has become a dad. 

“I had consistent support and felt that there was a real interest in my wellbeing. I had support through supervised visits with my new born child and had help with all areas of my life, not just drugs & alcohol”.  John (This story has been anonymised). 

comicreliefbakeoffEsther Heybourne, Youth Team Manager, said “This project is as a result of needed work we have delivered, funded by the Norwich and Broadland YABs (Youth Advisory Boards) over the last 2-3 years. We identified a need to continue this work and take it to all districts. We felt enabled to go for long term funding and were successful with Comic Relief. We are delighted to be offering a countywide provision supporting young adults like John. The age between 16 and 24 years old is a time of transition and there are often limited services available. Life Coaching is a forward thinking approach allowing the individual to reach their identified goal. We would like to thank Comic Relief for funding this work and giving us the financial resource to provide this much needed service. We would love family, friends, colleagues and supporters to join us for our Cake Sale to celebrate with us this new service and to raise funds for such a worth-while cause”. 

If you would like any further information on this service, the event or would like to support the work of the charity, then please get in touch with the Matthew Project via their  website www.matthewproject.org or phone, 0845 868 8172. 

Read the full article here

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