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UEA students to get free taxis as part of new Norwich scheme

ABC Taxis is working with the Students’ Union, at the University of East Anglia (UEA), to introduce its new “Safe Rides” programme.

The scheme will look to make sure that all students can get a lift home when it’s dark, even if they don’t have any money for the fare on them.

Norwich Evening News: ABC Taxis are located in Paddock Street, NR2ABC Taxis are located in Paddock Street, NR2 (Image: Newsquest)

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Students can book a journey with ABC Taxis, which is covered by the Students’ Union.

The taxi firm will then contact students to arrange for them to come in and pay the fare back. 

A spokeswoman from the UEA Students’ Union said: “At the UEA, student safety comes first.

Norwich Evening News: Chris Harvey, regional director of ABC TaxisChris Harvey, regional director of ABC Taxis (Image: Chris Harvey)

“We are proud to work with ABC taxis to provide this service for vulnerable students, especially when buses currently stop before midnight and can be unreliable in the evenings.”

The service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, where students can phone ABC Taxis quoting ‘University of East Anglia Safe Rides’.

A vehicle will then be sent out to stranded students and get them back on campus safely.

Norwich Evening News: ABC are offering UEA students free rides back on campus as part of a 'Safe Rides' initiativeABC are offering UEA students free rides back on campus as part of a ‘Safe Rides’ initiative (Image: ABC Taxis)

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Chris Harvey, regional director for ABC Taxis, said: “Moving to a new area and starting university can be daunting, so we’re here to support students in Norwich as they find their feet.

“Our emergency service will ensure they get home safe without worry over finding the fare.”

As well as ABC Taxis, cab firms 5 Star and Courtesy are also taking part in the scheme.

Read the full article here

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