Bishop of Norwich opens Mundford nursery
The Bishop of Norwich has officially opened the Orchard Nursery in Mundford, which will provide vital early years provision in the village.
Since the nursery was facing closure, executive headteacher Sarah Godbold made it her mission to keep the nursery running, and Mundford Church of England Primary Academy took it on. The early years nursery called Acorns can accommodate 24 children per session and children can attend mornings, afternoons or all day. The Orchard takes children the day they turn three years old and is open to new starters throughout the year.
Sarah said: “With the prospect of closure this would have meant that there would be no early years provision within the village. I was keen to have a school-based nursery for children aged three to four years. Mundford Church Of England Primary Academy had been saving up with a view to add a nursery over time, we knew we would have to build something as our school was packed and we had no space at all. I worked closely with Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust and with the Trust’s help and added investment to make my vision for The Orchard to become a reality.
“The Orchard Nursery is vital and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) unit that houses both Reception and Nursery, will give us the vital space in the school and now allow us to also open a before and after school club. This facility is much needed as there is nothing in the surrounding area to provide care for children and our working parents were struggling.”
The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich blessed the new nursery. Bishop Graham said: “I was delighted to open the new Orchard for nursery and reception age children at Mundford Church of England Primary Academy. It is a fabulous facility and I hope it will set up this next generation to find life in all its fulness. An Orchard by name, and, I pray, an orchard where young lives can blossom so as to lead to much fruitfulness.”
The full article first appeared in the Diocese of Norwich newsletter.
The photo is courtesy of the Diocese of Norwich.
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Tony Rothe, 04/10/2023
Read the full article here