New projects launched at Norwich Christian charity
The start of a new term means the launch of new projects for Norwich Christian youth charity ENYP using the approach of ‘listen, learn, lounge’ across all the initiatives.
The start of an academic year always brings the opportunity to create and develop fresh new ways of working for the season ahead. ENYP is entering its tenth year of delivering youth clubs and activities across Norwich. Director Danny Doran-Smith said, “Youth culture continues to change, and it’s our responsibility as youth practitioners to be mindful of this and respond to meet the needs of young people in their locality. We are excited that ENYP continues to grow geographically and within Norwich, and we will be launching a further twelve clubs and projects over the coming year”.
In order to stay fresh and relevant to the next generation, ENYP is not only launching new clubs and activities, but also starting the term with fresh models of delivery using the idea of ‘listen, learn, lounge’.
Listen – listen to the needs of young people, empower them in their decision making, and support them to make informed and positive life choices. -
Learn – help young people learn about themselves, others and society, through fun and engaging informal educational activities. This helps them to thrive and become effective and enthusiastic learners. -
Lounge – young people to understand the incredible potential that they hold. They need to be given time and space to take ownership of their future.
ENYP’s new clubs include;
Infuse will be a youth club in the Anglia Square area of Norwich, for young people in High School, offering a central location for young people of the area to meet together. The club meets fortnightly on a Thursday evening. -
The Grove is youth provision delivered in partnership with Catton Grove Big Local, and is delivered from Catton Grove Community Centre on alternate Thursday evenings. The provision offers young people in high school their own creative space from the centre of their community, and we also deliver sports provision on the local community park alongside the club. -
Earl’s Youth Café meets in the Earlham area of the City at St Elizabeth’s Church, fortnightly on a Monday evening. It will cater for young people in High School and will provide a creative space for young people to meet, build relationships and develop skills. -
Catton Junior Club will be for young people in school years 3 to 6 and is delivered in partnership with Catton Grove Big Local from Catton Grove Community Centre. The club will provide a range of activities for young people on a fortnightly basis. -
Download is a youth club delivered from St Francis Church on the Heartsease estate for young people in High School, fortnightly on a Monday evening. -
Pop Up Youth Café – alongside ENYP’s detached youth work provision, our Pop Up Youth Café will enable us to create a youth work base in any local community. This model enables us to engage young people where they are in local community spaces, and we can provide a range of engagement activities to build relationships with young people and provide them with locally based support.
For more information about ENYP and all of its activities please visit or email [email protected]
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