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New altar frontals for Holt school chapel

Gresham’s School Chapel now looks a little different as staff and pupils arrive for their service each morning, with brand new frontals adorning the altar.

The striking new set of altar frontals have been created for the chapel thanks to the talent and craftsmanship of the Broderers Guild at Norwich Cathedral, pictured right. The richly worked green, purple and gold frontals are the culmination of three years of planning and hard work by the guild’s volunteers.

The frontals were blessed in front of the whole school community by the Venerable Catherine Dobson, Archdeacon of Lynn.


A Gresham’s student Chapel Warden says: ‘They are really beautiful things. When you get up close you get a feel for the incredible skill that has gone in to making them.’


Rev Jack Branford, School Chaplain says: ‘The frontals have made a big difference to our Chapel. They have added a welcome note of colour to the space that many pupils have commented on when they walk in. They are also a wonderful tool for teaching the young people about the church’s liturgical year.’


Members of the public are welcome to see these marvellous works of art at one of the Chapel’s half-termly public choral services. Please see the school’s website for dates.


The photos are courtesy of Gresham’s School.  


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 03/10/2023

Read the full article here

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