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Do you have a good tale to tell about Norwich YFC?  

Next year to celebrate their 40th anniversary, Norwich YFC are producing a book of testimonials about their work over the years and are keen to hear from anyone who, as a young person, has been blessed by their missions and projects during that time.

In 2018 Norwich Youth for Christ (YFC) will celebrate their 40th birthday and as part of a number of special events, they hope to produce a book about their work throughout the years.

Director of Norwich YFC Nick Blanch said “Over the years Norwich YFC have been involved in such a wide range of projects on the streets, in nightclubs, schools and even prison work. Many people will remember NYFC being involved in The Living Water event at the Showground as well as the Just 10 Missions, HOPE 08 and more recently Who Cares?

“All these projects have been positive but what we’re really interested in, is what impact have these things made? As we started to compile a timeline of our history, we thought it would be great to compile some stories into a book as an encouragement to people whilst also raising funds for the future of our work.”

Names that have already signed up include a number of former national YFC Directors such as Roy Crowne (Director of HOPE), Gavin Calver (Missions Director for Evangelical Alliance) and Clive Calver.

Norwich YFC are hoping for over 100 stories and have already received nearly 20 contributions including the story behind the photograph featured above of the Down To Earth Mission in September – October 1981, the first mission event organised by Norwich YFC.  Starting with schools work, it concluded with three weeks of evening meetings at what was Delves Garage at the bottom of Rose Lane, Norwich with Eric Delve as the main speaker.

Becca Savory of Norwich YFC who is overseeing the project said “We’ve seen some amazing stories being submitted but we need more. In particular, we would love to gather some from those who were young people and were impacted by the work. We’ve naturally lost touch with a lot of people and we would love to see them re-connect”.

If you have a story about how God used NYFC in your life please contact their office on 01603 620678 or email [email protected]. 

Read the full article here

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