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Norwich campaigners challenge bank on climate change 

Local campaigners from St Luke’s Church, Aylsham Road and other Norwich churches visited Barclays Bank in Red Lion Street today to urge them to stop using the public’s hard-earned savings to support fossil fuel companies.


Christian Aid has revealed that the high street banks are still using savers’ money to support fossil fuel companies, even though governments, scientists and even the banks themselves are in agreement that we need to move away from coal, oil and gas to protect our planet.


The Norwich based group presented messages from the community explaining why the bank needs to move from fossil fuels to renewable energy as part of Christian Aid’s Big Shift Campaign.


Simon Snell explained why he had decided to talk to his bank about the problem:

“I have made changes in my own life to try to tackle climate change, so it’s nonsensical to me that my bank is still using my own money to support companies who continue to destroy the planet. The bank says it supports action to prevent further climate change but uses my money to support fossil fuel companies. That must change”.


The group presented a letter to the bank to be passed to the Chief Executive and showed off their Piggy Bank poster filled with messages of support for the bank to act.


“Climate change is the biggest issue humanity faces. We need everyone, including the people managing our money, to make the right decisions to put us on a safer path to a better future”.


Fossil fuels are increasingly a financial risk as well as fuelling climate change. As governments and markets around the world act to reduce carbon emissions, the value of fossil fuel companies could decrease rapidly.


Christian Aid believes that with a shift in policies and investment decisions, the biggest high street banks could be providing the capital needed to invest in the energy systems we need for the future instead of damaging the planet.



Read the full article here

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