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Norwich Christian men’s group inspired by a woman 

A monthly Christian men’s group was set up in Norwich in April 2016, inspired by a question from a leader of women’s Bible study Zoë Group. Kevin Gotts reports.

Karen Joyce asked her husband Rod and his friend David Riddington, “Why not set up a group for men?”

Rod then met and prayed with some other Christian men from across Norwich, and formed a leadership team, and started Caleb, inviting and welcoming ordinary men from different churches in and around Norwich who have a desire to live wholeheartedly for God in their everyday lives.

Meeting at Witard Road Baptist Church (NR7 9XD), Caleb monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month provide men with a place to meet, worship, study God’s Word and grow.

They place emphasis on the importance of laid-back discussion, providing a non-threatening space for guys to talk about life and issues of faith. 

“I enjoy the times I can get along, mixing with and taking time out with other men.  The worship and the speakers (live or on video) are a real encouragement,” said Ian.

Twice a year, Caleb host a full English breakfast with an inspirational speaker designed to appeal to friends and guests who wouldn’t normally come to the usual Caleb gatherings. 


Recently, a couple from Peru, Dinger and his wife Miriam shared their experiences of imprisonment and release, and an ongoing ministry of supporting those in prison or who have been released.


David Riddington, another leader, said: “It is clear that people value the discussions and the things that come out of it, which they don’t get normally at church.”


Martin, who has been attending for about a year explains: “I like the fellowship and modern songs, which are spiritually uplifting. Particularly as I am a late convert to Christianity.”


Peter is also enthusiastic: “I have been coming along for two years and nearly every time. It is good to meet with other men, enjoy worship, information and general follow up on what’s going on since the last time.”


A founder leader, Dave Adams, said: “Men are free to invite other men, it’s very informal and they can talk about things in their lives. There is a real welcome, no need to sign in.  Coffee from 8.30am, for a 9am start and we always finish by 11am.”


More details: www.calebwftl.org.uk

Pictured above are Dinger and Miriam from Peru with the Caleb Men’s Group in Norwich.


Read the full article here

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