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Norfolk woman’s haunted Motorolla phone works again

Diane Key, 80, who lives in Norwich Road, Horstead, had been receiving thousands of texts on her new Motorolla G13, which she bought from Tesco, with a particularly chilling one reading “I not forgotten you”.

However, the texts were not down to her popularity, as the same texts repeated themselves on the hour, every hour, for 24 hours a day.

Other odd occurrences included the phone’s torch light coming on every night at 12am waking Ms Key up constantly.

Norwich Evening News: Diane Key's spooky textsDiane Key’s spooky texts (Image: Newsquest)

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But now the pensioner can sleep soundly once again after an overnight exorcism in her bedside draw saw it return to normal.

She said: “I got so fed up with it and creeped out by it that I switched it off and put it in my bedside draw.

“But then when I switched it on again the other day it just returned to normal, I couldn’t believe it, well it’s almost back to normal, it’s still playing up at times.

“To be honest, I still don’t like it though.

“I’ve got two years left to get another one but I’m not going to wait that long, it still doesn’t sit well with me.”

She had tried to turn the phone off and on before but this had previously proved pointless.

Norwich Evening News: Ms Key still finds her phone a little spookyMs Key still finds her phone a little spooky (Image: Newsquest)

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Ms Key says she is still not using the phone due to its unpredictable nature instead favouring her old one until she finds something new she likes.

The phone’s return from the dead perhaps proves the issues were caused by a technical glitch rather than the supernatural.

But despite that, city medium Tita Martell says a ghost in the machine is still a strong possibility.

Ms Martell said: “It’s quite possible though, because it is all about the energy which has attached itself to it and what is connected to it.

“Anything can become haunted in theory.”

Read the full article here

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