Norwich St John’s Cathedral offers Lent reflections
The Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich will be offering series of Lenten meditations on its Facebook page to guide people through Lent.
The meditations can be followed here.
By way of introduction, the Cathedral comments: “Many of us have given up seeing loved ones during the past year, to keep them safe during the pandemic. This Lent, perhaps, is an opportunity of giving thanks, rather than ‘giving up’. The Lord is always waiting for you in his Holy House; he is always waiting for you to come back to him.”
Speaking at the cathedral Mass for Ash Wednesday, Canon David Paul said: “This year the traditional, long-standing custom of making the cross on our foreheads with the blessed ash is forbidden. Instead, the priest will just sprinkle ashes on our heads.
“But Ash Wednesday is still about preparing for a new life at Easter. It’s about a new beginning, about leaving old sins, old wrongs and old hurts behind us to look to the light which is Jesus.”
Pictured above is Bishop Alan Hopes distributing ashes on Ash Wednesday 2020. This year ashes were sprinkled in accordance with current health regulations.
Keith Morris, 18/02/2021
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