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Explore Jesus again in Hunstanton

Hunstanton CE course 370 CFThe Union Church in Hunstanton will be giving people another opportunity to discover more about Jesus in May when they re-launch the Christianity Explored course, which has just completed a very successful run. 


Christianity Explored is a relaxed seven week course that helps people explore the person at the centre of Christianity, Jesus Christ. Each evening begins with a meal and an opportunity to relax before a DVD is shown that covers the topic for the week. After this there will be an opportunity in small groups to discuss the topic and ask questions.



Early this year Union Church ran the course for the first time, hoping to see people come to know Jesus or be refreshed in their relationship with him.



Sam Abramian, minister at Union, is says the course was a success in a number of ways. ‘We were delighted that nine people attended the course and managed to attend nearly every week. We had plenty of good discussions with participants asking numerous questions, and when we read the feedback forms at the end of the course I was especially thrilled to see how clearly the gospel message of God’s love and grace in Christ had been understood and received.’



It wasn’t only the participants who benefitted from the course. ‘It was great to also see people growing into new roles and gifts,’ said Sam, ‘a good number of people served in a range of roles so the evenings were such a success. Two ladies came every week solely to serve the meal and wash up! It really was a blessing for the church.’



Union Church already has ten people interested in the next course but they would welcome more people to come along.


The Christianity Explored course will run between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on Wednesday evenings from May 6.


Union Church is at 2 Sandringham Rd, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE36 5BN.   Phone 01485 534129

If anyone wishes to attend the course, they should contact Pastor Sam Abramian at [email protected]    Or phone 01485 532471 .


For more information about Christianity Explored visit : www.christianityexplored.org


To find out more about Union Church, visit : www.unionchurchhunstanton.org.uk

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North-west Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Read the full article here

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