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 A year of King’s Lynn churches together

Over the past year Churches Together in King’s Lynn has been an umbrella organisation for works and meetings which highlight Christian activities, and have been fortunate to investigate some very interesting subjects.

Highlights included Rebecca Meyrick speaking about end of life care in Norfolk, highlighting the patients and workers in the new hospice building at Hillington and the hospice at home services. 

Chris Lindley did some research into the levels of poverty in the King’s Lynn area and his report showed that up to 38% of children in North Lynn are living in poverty so the talk about the Foodbank moving into bigger premises at the Red Cross building, appointing a new full time manager and extending services to include Food in School Holidays was very relevant.

Other events included: Revd Riaz Mubarak giving a talk entitled ‘Called to serve; Ministry from Pakistan to the UK’, Annemarie and Mark Willetts working towards the setting up of a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre in King’s Lynn and Rev Zoe Ferguson organising a quiz night for supporters of the Christian Aid collection which raised £5507.26 with Bishop Jonathan Meyrick as the quiz master. 

Keith Morris and John Betts gave a talk about Network Norwich, a church media organisation, and Celebrate Norwich and Norfolk which is an annual event in the centre of Norwich showcasing what’s on offer in churches.

Teams from the Open the Book project continued to go into schools to inspire the children with readings and stories from the Bible and Bob Wilson spoke about prison chaplaincy.

All of the talks can be found on the churches together in King’s Lynn website www.churchestogetherkingslynn.com which is expertly maintained by Andy Moyle who also organises all the authors who contribute to the “thought for the week”. The website includes all details of future events which all are welcome to attend.

AndyLatham276Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in south-west Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Read the full article here

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