Norwich drug worker takes a dive with her client
A remarkable substance misuse worker from the Matthew Project is heading for the skies with her teenage client.
On Friday October 1 substance misuse and mental health nurse worker Paula Carruthers will be taking on the challenge of a lifetime – a tandem skydive at UK Parachuting centre, Beccles, to raise funds for The Matthew Project.
Paula says: ‘I’m doing this because this young person asked me to do it with him. He wanted to sky dive and he said he would struggle to get the money together to pay for it so we came up with this plan. Staff at The Matthew Project will go as far as they can to support those that they work with.”
Jumping out of an aeroplane at 13,000 ft a first for them both, so this will be a test of bravery. However, having struggled through some tough times, this young person is ready for the challenge and as always, has the support of his Matthew Project worker.
If you would like to donate, scan the bar code above or visit the fundraising website.
Eldred Willey, 24/09/2021
Read the full article here