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Sheringham BeachLife family fun outreach

Sheringham BeachLife will be holding a Fun Day outreach on the Friday of February half term, including a Family Trail around Sheringham, and all are welcome to join in. Tony Rothe reports.

There will be an on-line broadcast in the morning on the BeachLife YouTube channel, followed by the family treasure trail around the town during the afternoon, all on Friday February 18.


This follows the successful summer outreach last August, when young people logged on to on-line activities each morning, then joined up for outdoor family events later that day, which avoided indoor gathering.   


Plans are still being developed for this new on-line broadcast, but it is likely to include BeachLife favourites such as the Beach Special with music and drama and a short talk following the “Journeys” theme from last August. The broadcast will premiere at 10.30am.


The Family Fun Trail will start at 2pm from the BeachLife stand on Otterndorf Green, and should last around an hour. Participants will follow the trail in their family groups looking for clues in the hope of winning a prize at the end of the day.


Sheringham BeachLife was formed in 2012 to reach out to children and young people with the good news of Jesus. The highlight of the year is the summer outreach, usually for four days in late August, with other one-day events throughout the year. The organising team comprises members from the town’s churches.


Peter Skivington, youth minister at Sheringham’s Lighthouse Community Church, who leads the organising team, said “It is great to have another opportunity to reach the town’s young people with the great news that Jesus loves them. We thought it wise to avoid a large indoor gathering this time, so we are combining another video broadcast with the outdoor trail in the afternoon. We hope the town’s youngsters will turn out in force to join in.”


The BeachLife team intends to continue developing their on-line video capability as a means of outreach, even when in-person gatherings have returned to normal.


Tune into the BeachLife YouTube channel to watch previous videos, and to catch the new broadcast when it is released on Friday February 18.


To take part in the Family Fun Trail, simply turn up by 2pm at Otterndorf Green in Sheringham that afternoon. No need to book.


Follow Sheringham BeachLife on their Facebook page.



TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 26/01/2022

Read the full article here

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