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70 years of loving care at Christian ethos home

Staff and residents at Corton House, a not-for-profit care home situated on City Road, Norwich, recently enjoyed a 70th birthday tea attended by the Deputy Lord Mayor of Norwich, Cllr. Caroline Ackroyd and guest, Mr Gareth Phillips.


Corton House was founded following a Free Church appeal and opened its doors in 1952. In 1970, Brakendon Close, a neighbouring Independent Living site was built, and the charitable organisation has been working to ensure older people in the local area are supported to live emotionally, spiritually and physically fulfilling lives for 70 years. The home has a Christian ethos, emphasising the values of community and kindness to one another, and offers regular worship services and pastoral care with chaplain Rev. Rhonwen Washford, although it is open to all faiths or none.


Kicking off a year of celebration with afternoon tea – featuring two delicious cakes and prosecco provided by the in-house catering team – Corton House will continue to mark its very own Jubilee year with a series of events throughout 2022, so keep an eye out for everything from fundraisers and fetes to refurbishment projects and even a commemorative book filled with anecdotes and words of wisdom from its 90+ residents and tenants.

Memories of the 1950s

Some of the current Corton House residents recall the 1950s:

  • Joyce remembers making the below decoration for the Queen’s Coronation. she went to see the Queen then she went with her family and slept on the streets – it rained – they took sandwiches but they got lost as there were so many people! She was so excited to be there but could hardly see the Queen. 

  • Ken was in the RAF and was stationed in Lincolnshire in 1952. 

  • Myrtle remembers watching the Queen’s Coronation on a television, she was a young married woman at the time. 

  • Pam‘s father rented a television to watch the Coronation. 

  • Rationing was still in place – Myrtle and Ken loved dried egg! 

  • Lilian was a Girl Guide and was in a play with her dog Max. The press took a photograph of them in Warrington near Manchester which is where she lived with her family at the time.



Read the full article here

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