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MU president commissioned at Fakenham service

Felicity Randall has been commissioned as Diocesan Mothers’ Union President at a special service in St Peter with St Paul’s church in Fakenham, and Bishop Joseph Mgomi, visiting from Tanzania, took part in the service.

The commissioning service on August 9 coincided with a visit to Norfolk by Bishop Joseph Mgomi and his wife Lillian from the Diocese of Ruaha in the Iringa region of Tanzania. Ruaha diocese is one of 5 Dioceses around the world with which Mothers’ Union in Norwich is linked in prayerful support.


Eunice Norwood, from the Mothers’ Union in Norwich, said, “Our new president, Felicity Randall, is passionate about Mothers’ Union and the projects that are so successful around the world, helping families that are in need of support. She has served on the Trustee board in Norwich for 6 years with the support of her husband Ian. It was particularly joyful that Felicity was being commissioned as president on the day the Church remembers Mary Sumner, founder of worldwide Mothers’ Union, when Bishop Joseph and Lillian were staying with us.”


The board of Trustees met for lunch with Bishop Joseph and Lillian before the service to listen and learn about Ruaha and to cement the relationship. Members from all points of the Diocese filled the church in support of Felicity and to celebrate Mary Sumner Day.


Breaking with tradition, the commissioning service took place in Felicity’s home church of St. Peter with St. Paul in Fakenham. The Holy Communion service and commissioning was led by Bishop David Gillett, who is honorary assistant bishop and Diocesan Interfaith Adviser in the Diocese of Norwich. Bishop Joseph was asked to present Felicity on behalf of the members to Bishop David for the commissioning.


Eunice added “As Felicity returned to her seat she stopped and asked Bishop Joseph for his blessing which he was delighted give, ensuring her of the prayers of Ruaha for the Mothers’ Union in this diocese. At the end of the service Felicity presented Lillian with two MU Tote Bags (pictured, right) to take back to Ruaha as a token of our love and affection.”


For more about the Mothers Union in Norfolk, click here.


The top picture shows, left to right: Felicity Randall, Bishops David Gillett and Joseph Mgomi, Lillian Mgomi.

Both pictures are courtesy of Eunice Norwood.


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 18/08/2022

Read the full article here

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