Support services showcased at Yarmouth church
Great Yarmouth Salvation Army will be hosting an open day next month which will showcase support services available to people in the borough and surrounding area. Tony Rothe reports.
The event, called “Here for You” is on Wednesday, April 6 and is being run in conjunction with the Chances employment project, which is part of Voluntary Norfolk. The aim of the day is to let people know what help and services are available. Around 15 charities and organisations that offer support and advice to people across the borough will be taking part, as well as the Salvation Army.
Harry Woods, Community Manager at Great Yarmouth Salvation Army, pictured right, said
“We are noticing a massive increase in the number of local people needing help and support from us and local partners with food and fuel banks and much more. We feel this will only get worse with the rise in many household bills prices and fuel etc”
Looking forward to the open day he said: “It is wonderful to work together in partnership with Chances and all the other agencies in this way to best serve our community. We are saying to the people of Great Yarmouth We are here for you to support you, so do come and find out what is on offer.”
The Salvation Army in Yarmouth runs a foodbank operation Mondays and Tuesdays and has seen the number of people requesting help double in the last few weeks. They are now helping about 100 people each week as single people and families struggle to make ends meet. They also host a drop in with other agencies that can provide help and support for people with a range of different services.
The Yarmouth centre also runs their Thursday CAMEO club – giving an opportunity for those who live alone or are feeling isolated or lonely to come together make friends and build relationships. They also hold a community bible study group on Wednesdays.
On the last Friday in every month they host a dementia-friendly singing group called Singing By Heart, which is open to all – you don’t have to have a memory problem to come along. There are also various free courses at the centre run by different providers, such as cooking on a budget and craft and chat.
The Here for You event runs from 10am to 2pm on Wednesday 6 April 2022 at Salvation Army, Tolhouse Street, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2SQ.
For more information contact
The top photo shows, left to right, Harry Woods; Rachael, Chances Project Manager; and Jo and Josh, Chances support workers.
Both pictures are courtesy of Harry Woods.
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Tony Rothe, 17/03/2022
Read the full article here