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Mike gets to the teeth of the matter at Loddon 

Dental skills turned out to be an unexpected way in as Mike Cadman found his sea legs as a Waterways Chaplain. He shares below an unusual encounter.

Being a new chaplain, only commissioned a few months ago and learning the job, I never know quite what to expect. 

I had this this really good conversation with boater T. He loves living on his boat, does gourmet cooking aboard and had come to moor at Loddon Staithe to visit the stores there. 

His boat has two small rum barrels on the stern and he told me it was registered on Port Royal. I had no idea where that was. He informed me it was in the Caribbean and was the most sinful place in the world at one time. It had been destroyed by and earthquake and tsunami and now lies under the sea. 

I passed over my card, and a few days later received a phone call. “I don’t have any problems except for my teeth,” boater T said.

I have been a dentist for nearly 50 years, and my profession must have come up in our conversation. Happily, at over 70, the eyes and hands work well and I still do some dental work. 

The outcome: the teeth are being treated and boater T is very regular with his appointments. It has been a pleasure to get to know him during these weeks. 

We are to be pastorally active and spiritually reactive. I am not sure how dental treatment is spiritually reactive and yet it is. We are to respond in the love of the Lord Jesus and serve as He served. We do all we can to help our neighbour. What a joy it has been and how diverse and fulfilling it is to be being a Waterways Chaplain.

You can read more about the Waterways Chaplains here:


Pictured above is Loddon Staithe 

Eldred Willey, 16/12/2020

Read the full article here

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