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Martham Foodbank receives Blue Plaque

Martham Foodbank is celebrating the receipt of a special edition Blue Plaque in recognition of its work during the pandemic. 

The presentation was made by Lady Clare Agnew, Deputy Lord-Lieutenant, and Cllr Adrian Thompson, Mayor of Great Yarmouth at the foodbank’s base in Martham. The team of people who process the parcels for households and some of the deliverers who take these parcels out across the area were present.


Martham Foodbank serves all of the villages between the Rivers Thurne, Bure and the sea, including those north of Norwich and Beach Roads in Caister-On-Sea.


Revd Dr Steven Sivyer, the Rector of Martham said: “I am delighted to receive this plaque on behalf of everyone at Martham Foodbank.  This not only represents the work of everyone who volunteers now, but also all the volunteers who worked in the foodbank since it was founded at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.  These volunteers have shown love and service towards those in need and have formed a dedicated team spirit.  The work of the foodbank goes on as we move from one crisis to another with the steep rise in the cost of living.  It is still our aim that no-one in these villages will be going hungry.”


You can find out more or pledge your support for Martham Foodbank at marthamchurches.org.uk/foodbank

or by contacting the Revd Dr Steven Sivyer at [email protected] or on 01493 740823.

Pictured above is the Revd Dr Steven Sivyer receiving the Blue Plaque from Lady Agnew and Cllr Thompson with other volunteers from Martham Foodbank.  Credit: Lydia Sivyer.



Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 26/04/2022

Read the full article here

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