Norwich picnic project feeds families in summer

As part of ENYP’s growing food provision over the summer holidays the Norwich Christian youth charity has been distributing hundreds of picnic packed lunches to children across the city.
Lucie Fox from ENYP said: “Many will understand the challenges of providing nutritious meals to children throughout the school holidays, and with the current financial difficulties that every household is facing, this is increasingly becoming a greater burden for families.
“National reports continue to state the choices that families have to make in making cuts and what to spend their finances on – whether this is food, heating, online access, clothing. Unfortunately some of the choices involve sacrificing food and eating less meals, and this is something we don’t want to see children impacted by because household budgets are so tight.
“Throughout ENYP’s summer programme we have been distributing healthy packed lunches to children through our activities and in partnership with churches, Norwich Foodbank and other organisations across the city,” said Lucie.
“During our recent Fusion youth engagement project children excitedly queued up to receive their packed lunch bag – and with big smiles sat down with their friends and family to enjoy a picnic together!”
One child said: “It’s great, we got so much fruit that I’m going to have some as my midnight snack!”
If you would like more information, please email [email protected] or visit
Pictured above are families enjoying some of the picnic packed lunches from ENYP.
Read the full article here