Healing ministry opens in Wroxham
Wroxham Hub United Reform Church have opened their doors in welcome to Norfolk Healing Rooms once a month, when guests are invited to come for healing ministry between 8-9pm for physical, mental, spiritual and relational issues.
Healing Rooms will come to Wroxham on the fourth Thursday of each month (except August and December) between 8-9pm.
Directors Revs Ray and Ruth Scorey said, “Healing Rooms is a very gentle and loving international organisation, with 3000 Healing Rooms throughout the world. Guests do not have to be Christian, as long as they understand that all ministry is in the name of Jesus. Since its inception, Norfolk Healing Rooms have seen at least ninety people come to know the reality of Jesus and just how awesome He is in their lives.”
The Healing Rooms movement began in the first part of the twentieth century, when its founder, John G. Lake, saw so many healings in Spokane USA that it was declared the healthiest city in America. Each Healing Room consists of Christians, from a variety of denominations, who believe Jesus died not just to save all people but to heal them.
Ray and Ruth say, “Because Jesus is praying all the time to the Father on our behalf, team members spend time listening in to what He is saying for each guest at the start of their individual ministry session. As a result, the team have seen eyesight restored, cancers shrink, Parkinson’s improve, lives restored from prostitution and sexual abuse and healing from migraines caused by grief.”
If guests prefer not to attend in person, they can receive ministry via Zoom, WhatsApp or by phone. They just need to book by texting Revs Ray and Ruth Scorey on 07900 341 287 or by emailing them at [email protected].
Read the full article here