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Norwich author gives a call to bless the Lord 

Jill Gower from Light House Norwich has added a new booklet to her list of publications which focusses on blessing the Lord.

“I have long wanted to write a blessing book,” writes Jill, “based on the Hebraic way of praying which always begins with blessing God.


“Blessed are You, Sovereign Lord, Ruler of the Universe….”


“I felt this was very timely, as there has been so much focus on current events in the world, and everything accelerating so much, that it is good to put our focus where it needs to be. ‘We don’t know what to do but our eyes are fixed on You’ comes to mind – (2 Chronicles 20:12).”


The booklet includes 40 days of blessing the Lord, declarations, Scripture proclamations, prayers and the releasing of blessing. 


“I believe it is so powerful to first bless the LORD,” says Jill, “and put Him first, and then to proclaim His word, make declarations which are all scriptural, to pray and then to bless others. This booklet covers 40 days, which is a powerful time-period to believe God for changes in us and in the atmosphere around us.”


To order the booklet please go to the website www.lighthousenorwich.co.uk or email [email protected]


Pictured above is Jill Gower.

Eldred Willey, 07/07/2022

Read the full article here

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