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Gorleston vicar is Bishop’s new urban adviser 

The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, has appointed the Revd Matthew Price, Vicar of St Mary Magdalene in Gorleston, to the additional role of Bishop’s Adviser for Urban and Estates Ministry.

Matthew has been appointed following the retirement of the Revd Canon Peter Howard. The role supports those working alongside the residents of the urban priority areas of the Diocese of Norwich. Peter helped establish a network of workers who have met from time to share experience from our communities and develop their thinking about urban issues as well as organising occasional conferences on topics of interest. Matthew will build on this.


Bishop Graham said: “I am grateful to Revd Canon Peter Howard for all that he has given over many years to the role of Bishop’s Adviser for Urban Ministry. He has left a valuable legacy of engagement which Revd Matthew Price will be able to build on as my new Bishop’s Adviser for Urban and Estates Ministry. Matthew’s commitment to the Magdalene Estate in Gorleston is widely known and he will bring much knowledge to encourage and share with others as we seek to share the love of God in Jesus within the context of our urban estates in the diocese.”


Matthew said: “I am deeply honoured to have been appointed Bishop’s Adviser for Urban and Estates Ministry and look forward to working with both clergy and lay people from across the Diocese as we seek to support one another in reaching out with the love of Christ in some of the more deprived contexts of the Diocese. It is a particularly exciting time to be taking up this role with the new Diocesan Vision’s clear commitment to a lay or ordained presence in every low income community in our Diocese.


“I have been grateful for the support of my predecessor in this role, Canon Peter Howard, since I became the vicar of an estate parish and I look forward to taking forward the work as he passes on the baton. I am particularly looking forward to gathering with all those involved in urban ministry and the conference which is planned for early October and continuing the conversation about how we can best support and encourage those working and living in urban contexts.”


The Urban Ministry Network conference to which Matthew refers – Leading from a Different Place – will take place at Old Lakenham Community Centre, Norwich, NR1 2NG on Thursday 6 October from 9.30am to 4.00pm. The speakers will be the Bishop of Barking, Lynne Cullens and Emma Scott from Urban Expression. For more details click here.


For more about the Urban and Estates ministry of the Diocese of Norwich, click here.


This article first appeared on the Diocese of Norwich website.


The picture of Rev Matthew Price outside his Gorleston church is courtesy of the Diocese of Norwich.


Tony Rothe, 23/08/2022

Read the full article here

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