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Norfolk charity founders visit hospices in Ethiopia 

Sue and Jamie Mumford have just returned to Norfolk after nearly three weeks in Ethiopia, visiting projects which they support through their charity Hospice Ethiopia UK.

The couple have visited every year since they started supporting Hospice Ethiopia 11 years ago except from in 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. On this latest visit, in February, they spent time with the staff of Hospice Ethiopia, visiting their patients and reviewing how the money how transferred to them last year (£55,682) was spent, as well as consulting on their budget plan for 2023. “These discussions are really important for Hospice Ethiopia UK to understand the successes and challenges that the hospice faces,” writes Sue Mumford.

The couple enjoyed a two-day visit to Jimma University Medical Centre (south western Ethiopia) where a new palliative care (care for people with life-limiting illnesses) department has been established following training given by Hospice Ethiopia 10 months ago. “We were impressed by the team who are already providing comprehensive inpatient, outpatient, and home care,” comments Sue.

For those patients living outside Jimma, the charity provides a telephone follow up service. The couple met Dr Fetiya, clinical director of this 800-bed hospital serving a catchment area of 15 million people. They discussed the ongoing problems with obtaining oral morphine for controlling pain. At present Tramadol is the strongest pain killer available, and this means many of their patients do not have their pain adequately controlled.

The second week of our visit they travelled to Debark in north-western Ethiopia to help deliver a five-day day palliative care course. This is the first time such training has been delivered in a very rural area. Many of the villages can only be accessed on foot or on a mule which presents additional challenges. 

Some of the 19 delegates had not heard of palliative care but by the end of the week they could see the huge need for this type of care when less than 1% of patients receive curative treatment for cancer. Hospice Ethiopia will provide mentorship to help with the implantation of palliative care in the hospital and health centres.

“It was inspiring to see the impact that Hospice Ethiopia is now having on the expanding provision of palliative care in Ethiopia,” concluded Sue. “With an estimated population of 120 million, Ethiopia still has a long way to go in providing palliative care. But it is highly rewarding to know that Hospice Ethiopia UK is making a difference for those who suffer so much as they approach the end of their life.”

The trustees, including Sue and Jamie Mumford, do not claim any expenses for their visits to Ethiopia. For further information please visit www.hospiceethiopia.org.uk

Pictured above Nurse Filagot from Hospice Ethiopia (right) and her patient (left), who was caring for her grandchild. The boy’s mother works in Dubai. 




Eldred Willey, 20/02/2023

Read the full article here

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