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Ecology prize awarded by Bishop of Norwich 

A University of East Anglia student has been awarded an ecology prize by the Rt Rev Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich.

Ecology UEA student, Charlie Russell, was given the prize for the best MSc Applied Ecology and Conservation research dissertation in the last academic year, for a dissertation that focused on improving understanding of why Greater Spotted Eagles are declining.

The third year of this award, the UEA chose the recipient from among the postgraduate students in their ecology department.

Presenting the prize, Bishop Graham, who is the lead bishop for the environment for the Church of England, said: “I’m delighted to present this prize to Charlie in recognition of his excellent dissertation in the applied conversation ecology area. His research about the migratory behaviour of Greater Spotted Eagles in Europe has expanded our knowledge, especially about the negative impact of large-scale human behaviour.

“Having originally trained as an ecologist, I am all too aware that we need people to be researching and being passionate about exploring and protecting our single island planet home. As a Christian, I am called to live out a care for creation, so I’m very happy to be encouraging endeavours such as this.”

On receiving the prize certificate and £1,000, Charlie Russell said: “I am really grateful to receive this generous award from the Bishop of Norwich and as a first-generation student it is really encouraging to have my work recognised this way. This prize will help me continue this research as part of my PhD at UEA.”

Professor Jennifer Gill, Course Director of the MSc in Applied Ecology & Conservation said: “We are delighted to have the work of our students recognised through the award. The support provided by this award hugely helps our students as they embark on careers in conservation ecology, and the celebration of their research provides a great confidence boost.

“Conservation desperately needs many more able and committed people, as we tackle the twin challenges of the climate and biodiversity crises. It is wonderful that the Bishop of Norwich gives such generous support to the University of East Anglia’s MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation.”


The prize is sponsored by the Anne French Memorial Trust which supports the ministry of the Bishop of Norwich, clergy in the Diocese of Norwich, and projects across Norfolk.


Pictured above UEA student Charlie Russell receives his prize from Bishop Graham in the bishop’s garden.


Read the full article here

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