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Helen is new East Anglia Methodist chair

The Methodist Church in the East Anglia region has appointed Rev Helen Hollands as the new Chair of the district. Helen is passionate about caring for clergy, trying new ways to grow the church, and addressing injustice. She is responsible for governance, strategy, planning, clergy, and mission for the Methodist Church in the region, which includes around 200 churches in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire. Helen has four daughters and has found it valuable to get to know Norwich as a student parent first before becoming a minister. She has noticed similarities between Kent and Norfolk but appreciates the spaciousness of East Anglia compared to the density of population in Kent.

Helen has arrived at a time of change for many churches in the region, some of which are in decline while others are flourishing. She grew up in Hampshire and describes herself as a ‘cradle Methodist’, as her mother was a Methodist minister. Helen’s faith was sparked and nurtured at a youth group she belonged to at her local church, and she is grateful for the youth and children’s work currently happening in many regional Methodist churches. The Methodist Church is investing in initiatives like ‘New Places for New People’ to create new Christian communities and different ways of ‘doing church’, such as establishing a ‘surfer church’ in Mundesley and promoting Forest Church to encourage people to engage with nature and explore their spirituality.

Addressing injustice and taking part in social action are important to Helen, as she was involved in developing homeless provision in Whitstable, Kent, with her husband. Advocacy remains close to her heart, as she trained as a solicitor before being ordained. Helen sees her legal skills as beneficial in her ministry, especially when working with those who need legal aid and speaking up for those without a voice. She is excited to get to know the people in the Methodist churches and those from other denominations and faith communities in the district. Helen’s calling to ministry is described as a ‘persistent nudging’ and she looks forward to serving the church in East Anglia at this time.

Rev Helen Hollands has recently taken up the role of Chair of the East Anglia District of the Methodist Church, overseeing around 200 churches in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire. Her responsibilities include governance, strategy, planning, clergy, and mission for the Methodist Church in the region. Helen is passionate about caring for clergy, trying new ways to grow the church, and addressing injustice. She has a background in law and was involved in developing homeless provision in Whitstable, Kent, before being ordained. Helen is excited to get to know the people in the Methodist churches and other faith communities in East Anglia.

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