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Norfolk church makes free electronic organ offer 

A South Norfolk church is looking to give away its electronic organ for free to another church or a good home. The Carleton Rode Baptist Secretary and music leader, Chris Jaggard, described the organ as originally designed for church use, with a good number of stops and small enough to be easily moved. Although it may need to have its electronic connections cleaned, Jaggard mentioned that this process is straightforward and has been done before. Those interested in receiving the organ can contact Chris Jaggard directly to arrange a viewing.

The electronic organ being offered by the South Norfolk church is described as still being in good working order, even though it may require some cleaning of the electronic connections. The church’s music leader, Chris Jaggard, reassured that this cleaning process is not difficult and has been completed previously. With a suitable number of stops and a manageable size for transportation, the organ is ideal for church use. Interested parties can reach out to Jaggard to schedule a viewing of the organ and discuss the potential transfer to a new church or home.

For those interested in acquiring the free electronic organ from the South Norfolk church, contacting Chris Jaggard directly is the next step in the process. Jaggard can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at 01379 677279. As the organ is still functional and suitable for church use, Jaggard is prepared to show it to any interested parties who would like to take it off the church’s hands. This offer presents an opportunity for another church or individual to make use of the organ and provide it with a new home where it can continue to be enjoyed.

Overall, the South Norfolk church is eager to find a new home for its electronic organ and is offering it for free to another church or a good home. With a good number of stops and a manageable size for transportation, the organ is ideal for church use. While it may require some cleaning of the electronic connections, the church’s music leader, Chris Jaggard, is available to show the organ to potential recipients and facilitate its transfer. Those interested in receiving the organ can contact Jaggard directly to arrange a viewing and discuss the logistics of taking possession of the instrument.

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