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Hotel among options considered for Norwich City Hall site

The council announced that City Hall, originally built for 1940s-style office work, is currently outdated and costly to maintain at £2 million per year. While much of the work is now conducted online, venue hire opportunities, including weddings, could potentially create a revenue stream for the council. However, the full financial benefits of the scheme are unclear at this time.

It was reported that the multi-million pound economic benefits to the city were calculated based on the lifetime of all additional uses, taking into account factors such as subsequent tourist spend in Norwich. A spokesman emphasized the importance of gathering ideas and thoughts on the transformation of the building, stating that consultation will be vital in making the right decisions for the city. The plans are set to be discussed at a scrutiny committee meeting on 10 October.

City Hall’s potential transformation could bring much-needed revenue to the council, but it remains unclear how the full scheme could financially benefit the city. The outdated building, originally designed for office work in the 1940s, is now in need of modernization to better serve its current purpose. The council plans to explore avenues such as venue hire, including weddings, as potential ways to generate income.

The council spokesperson expressed the importance of receiving input and feedback from the community in order to make informed decisions regarding the building transformation. Consultation with residents and stakeholders will be crucial in ensuring that the right choices are made for the benefit of the city. The plans for City Hall’s renovation and potential revenue generation are scheduled to be discussed at an upcoming scrutiny committee meeting on 10 October.

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