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New East Anglia Methodist chair is welcomed

Rev Helen Hollands was recently welcomed as the new Chair of the East Anglia District of the Methodist Church in a special service held at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church in Norwich. The service, which took place on Sunday, August 25, was attended by a congregation that included Ecumenical representatives from the Church of England and the URC, as well as civic leaders. The preacher for the service was Rev Sam Funnell, who focused on God’s friendship to us and to each other, with Roy Hollands reading a Bible passage from the Gospel of St John. The Presentation was made by Rev Jonathan Hustler of the Methodist Conference, to which Helen responded by dedicating herself to the ministry.

Rev Andrew King, one of the deputy Chairs of the East Anglia District, invited Ecumenical and civic leaders to offer their welcome to Helen, alongside District Chairs from neighboring Methodist Districts. Prayers were led by Rev James Bamber and Rev Gill Songer, a former colleague of Helen. An offering of £585 was collected for the charity Action for Children during the service. Rev Bamber commented on the enthusiastic congregation from throughout East Anglia who engaged wholeheartedly in the service, echoing Helen’s commitments to watch over one another in love, proclaim the Gospel, and be instruments of God’s peace. After the service, attendees enjoyed refreshments before departing home uplifted and renewed in their vision to be friends of God to all.

Rev Helen Hollands and her husband Roy were pictured together during the service, marking the beginning of Helen’s new role as Chair of the East Anglia District. It was a joy-filled occasion filled with worship and a sense of community as people from all over East Anglia came together to welcome their new leader. The service highlighted Helen’s dedication to her ministry and the support she received from the congregation, as well as her commitment to fulfilling the responsibilities of the role. The event also served as a reminder for everyone to continue to spread God’s love and peace in their communities.

Overall, the District Welcome service for Rev Helen Hollands was a significant and memorable event that celebrated the beginning of a new chapter in her ministry. The service brought together people from different denominations and backgrounds, all united in their support for Helen as she took on this important role. The focus on God’s friendship and love during the service served as a reminder of the importance of community and spreading kindness to others. The generous offering for Action for Children demonstrated the congregation’s commitment to serving those in need and making a positive impact on the world around them.

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