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Gorleston Church packed for Life ‘24 events

St. Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston hosted three events featuring speaker Nate Morgan Locke as part of Life ’24, a week of events across Norfolk. These events attracted over 200 people, most of whom were not regular church attendees. The events included NightLife for young people, a quiz, chips, and chat evening, and the Bridge lunch. During NightLife, over 80 young people listened as Nate spoke about the importance of focusing on Jesus in a world where social media competes for attention. Many of the attendees engaged with Nate after his talk to learn more about his message. Nate also spoke at the Bridge lunch and a quiz event, where he discussed the choice to follow Jesus and finding hope in Him.

The NightLife event at St. Mary Magdalene Church was a fun-filled evening for young people, with activities such as inflatable whack-a-mole, cage football, and board games. Over 50 young people from Gorleston and nearly 30 others from different parts of Norfolk attended. The attendees enjoyed hot dogs and milkshakes before gathering to listen to Nate speak. Following the NightLife event, Nate also spoke at The Bridge lunch, which serves 50-60 members of the local community each week. He later spoke at a quiz, chips, and chat event organized by the church, attended by over 100 people. Rev. Matthew Price praised Nate for engaging different audiences with a message of hope in Jesus, with plans for follow-up courses to explore faith further.

In addition to the events at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston, Nate spoke at various churches across Norfolk, including St. Helen’s Church in Costessy, Holy Trinity Church, City Gates Church in Norwich, and Diss Baptist Church. Nate, who is the creative director for Speak Life, aims to re-evangelize the church and the world through compelling communication centered on Christ. The events in Gorleston and beyond were part of this vision, reaching new audiences with the message of finding hope and purpose in Jesus. Attendees were encouraged to explore faith further through follow-up courses such as Hope Explored and The Four Points course offered by St. Mary Magdalene Church.

Overall, the events featuring Nate Morgan Locke at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston were successful in engaging with a diverse audience and sharing the message of hope in Jesus. The different events, including NightLife for young people, the Bridge lunch, and a quiz, chips, and chat evening, provided opportunities for attendees to learn more about faith and the choice to follow Jesus. The events also included discussions on the impact of social media and the importance of focusing on Jesus in a world filled with distractions. The positive response from attendees and plans for follow-up courses indicate a growing interest in exploring faith further and finding hope in Christ.

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