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Prayer vital in young Norfolk boy’s cancer battle 

The Gillespie family from Norfolk has been facing a challenging battle since Christmas Eve 2020 when their four-year-old son, James, was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukaemia. Throughout this difficult journey, James’s parents, David and Anne-Marie, have been steadfast in their support, balancing the demands of his treatment with the needs of their five other children. James underwent intense chemotherapy, surgery, and a stroke, which required long-term care and treatment. Faith, James’s older sister, proved to be a perfect bone marrow match donor, and after a successful transplant, the family endured a four-month separation due to Covid restrictions. The local community rallied together to support the family through fundraising events and online campaigns to cover medical expenses and other needs.

On September 29, 2023, after two years and six months in remission, James relapsed, posing a daunting prognosis. However, Dr. Rob Wynn from Manchester Children’s Hospital proposed a lifeline in the form of a second intensive transplant using cord blood cells and Granulocytes, part of a Cord Transplant Trial with promising results. James underwent the second transplant on January 11 and is now being monitored by medical professionals while on medication. Despite the challenges, his mother, Anne-Marie, emphasized the importance of prayer in the family’s journey and credited it for James’s remarkable recovery, which has astounded doctors and consultants nationwide. The family’s parish priest, Father Andrew Eburne, praised their faith and trust in God and the community’s support during this difficult time.

James’s story serves as a testament to the power of faith and prayer, the resilience of the human spirit, and the strength of family bonds. His journey has highlighted the impact of community support through fundraising events and donations, as well as the importance of coming together in times of need. The family’s unwavering faith and determination have inspired those around them, with Father Eburne noting the valuable lesson that those who are sick are not burdens but have great value and can be a gift to the community. As James continues his recovery in Manchester, the collective hope and prayers of his family and supporters remain a source of strength and inspiration. Those interested in further information or making a donation can visit James’s GoFundMe page or the Baby James 2023 Help public Facebook group for updates and photos of James and his family.

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