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Bradwell Church starts new dementia group

St Nicholas Church in Bradwell has launched the Forget-me-nots group, which provides support, friendship, and activities for people with dementia and their families. The group, led by Lesley Baillie, meets monthly at the church and offers a time of community, crafts, singing, and games, as well as refreshments. Feedback from participants has been positive, and volunteers have noted the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the group. Lesley, drawing from her experience as a nurse and raising a daughter with additional needs, was inspired to create the group, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity. The group is open to new members and meets on the first Monday of each month, with no cost to attend.

The Forget-me-nots group at St Nicholas Church in Bradwell was developed to provide a supportive and welcoming environment for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. Led by Lesley Baillie, the group meets monthly at the church, offering activities such as crafts, singing, games, and refreshments. Lesley’s personal experiences as a nurse and caring for a daughter with additional needs motivated her to establish the group, highlighting the value of inclusivity and support for all individuals. The group is open to new members and meets on the first Monday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, with no cost to attend. Those interested in joining can contact Lesley directly for more information.

The Forget-me-nots group at St Nicholas Church in Bradwell aims to provide a sense of community, connection, and fun for individuals with dementia and their families. This monthly gathering, led by Lesley Baillie, offers a range of activities and refreshments. The positive feedback from participants speaks to the welcoming and supportive atmosphere cultivated by the volunteers. Lesley’s background as a nurse and her personal experiences with caring for a daughter with additional needs motivated her to create a space where all individuals are valued and included. The group welcomes new members and meets on the first Monday of each month, with no cost to attend.

The Forget-me-nots group at St Nicholas Church in Bradwell, led by Lesley Baillie, provides a supportive and enriching environment for individuals with dementia and their families. The group meets monthly at the church, offering a range of activities, including crafts, singing, games, and refreshments. Lesley’s background as a nurse and her personal experiences inform her approach to creating an inclusive and welcoming space for all participants. The group is open to new members and meets on the first Monday of each month, with no cost to attend. Interested individuals can contact Lesley directly for more information on joining the group.

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