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Carols at new Gorleston community hub a success 

Cliff Park Community Church recently organized a festive event at the Better Days building on the Orbit housing estate in Gorleston. The event, called Carols at the Hub, invited residents from the estate to join members of CPCC for carol singing and mince pies. The event was a success, with over thirty people in attendance. After the singing, attendees continued to socialize and enjoy refreshments inside the hub. This event was part of CPCC’s efforts to engage with the local community, and the church’s parish nurse, Ruth Pillar, also hosts a Coffee, Cake, and Chat session at the hub on Tuesday mornings during term-time.

Ruth Pillar, who is a member of CPCC’s leadership team, expressed her delight at the success of Carols at the Hub, stating that it was an opportunity to invite those living on the local estate to join the church members in singing familiar Christmas carols. The event took place in the garden area of the recently refurbished hub, further enhancing the festive atmosphere. CPCC hopes that Carols at the Hub will become an annual event, adding to the church’s other outdoor carol service on the green at The Mews, which attracted over 80 attendees this year. The church’s active involvement in the community and the positive response to these events demonstrate the meaningful connections being made with the local residents.

Overall, Carols at the Hub was a successful event that brought together members of Cliff Park Community Church and residents of the Orbit housing estate in Gorleston for an evening of carol singing and socializing. The event was well-attended, with over thirty people joining in the festivities. It also provided an opportunity for CPCC to engage with the local community, furthering connections and relationships. The church’s hope for Carols at the Hub to become an annual event indicates a commitment to continuing to build these meaningful connections and foster a sense of community spirit in the area. The success of this event, along with CPCC’s regular presence at the hub, demonstrates the positive impact that the church is making in the local community.

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