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Gaynor Lord seen smiling on CCTV as mum, 55, leaves work just hours before vanishing – as divers join river search

This content provides an update on the disappearance of Gaynor Lord, who went missing after leaving work on Friday afternoon in Norwich. Video footage shows her leaving her workplace, and she was last seen on CCTV near a cathedral. Police believe she may have entered the River Wensum, prompting an extensive search involving divers, fire crews, and coastguards. Her belongings were found scattered around, adding to the mystery of her disappearance, and police have urged anyone with information or footage of her to come forward.

There is a timeline of Gaynor’s movements, which includes her leaving work, walking towards the cathedral, and being seen at different locations before she went missing. Her family has made a desperate plea for information, and police are appealing to the public to come forward with any details that might help in finding Gaynor. The police continued their search efforts using drones, foot searches, and sonar equipment to examine the water of the river. Her daughter has also made a plea on social media to share information and help bring her mother home.

The footage released by police shows Gaynor’s last known steps in the city, and Norfolk Police are encouraging anyone who saw her that afternoon or who has any information about her whereabouts to come forward. The timestamped movements of Gaynor are also detailed in the content, providing a clearer picture of her movements before she went missing. The police have declared Gaynor missing after finding her ID inside a handbag and learning that she failed to return home from work. Anyone with information or knowledge of her whereabouts should contact the Norfolk Police with the provided incident number.

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