Thetford Salvation Army building computer skills
People in and around Thetford who lack the confidence in day-to-day computing skills are being given a helping hand by The Salvation Army.
After securing funding from the Norfolk Community Foundation, the church and charity has been able to hold the classes twice a week at its Employment Plus sessions. Although the workshops are aimed at helping people get job-ready, anyone with limited digital skills is welcome to attend.
To date, participants have been able to complete benefit and housing applications and access healthcare and education, amongst other things. People attending the classes have also been able to gain health and safety qualifications, set up eBay accounts and learn a foreign language.
The workshops are led by Employment Development Coordinators Jon Rees and Lahra Kravitz, giving the community a welcoming safe space to come and access the internet. Jon said they have been very successful. He added: “There is always a buzz of activity and Captain Diane Dickson, the town’s Salvation Army leader, is really proactive in supporting the local community, where there is a very diverse range of people who need support, including many who don’t speak English or don’t have access to IT or the internet.”
Lahra said she has helped a number of people through the sessions including a lady who came for help shortly after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She explained: “She was tearful and told me that she feared she would need to terminate her employment, and that she felt unsure about the future. Diane and I spoke to her, explained how cancer treatment plans are created, and what support is available. I supported her with her Universal Credit application and cost of living support. Her cancer treatment is going well, and her treatment plan tells us that she will be able to work September/October time. When the time comes, I will be ready to support her with setting and achieving job searching goals.”
Similar sessions already take place at Salvation Army churches in Diss, Norwich and Sheringham and have just started in Stowmarket.
For more about the work of Thetford Salvation Army, with contact details, click here.
The picture of the Thetford Digital Upskilling workshops is courtesy of The Salvation Army
Tony Rothe, 09/06/2023
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