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Cladspray Solutions in Norwich more than doubles team

Cladspray Solutions, a commercial spray painting firm based in Norwich, has been experiencing significant growth and expansion in the past year. The company has already increased its headcount from 11 to 17 employees, with plans to fill 13 more roles in the near future. This growth is part of a broader business transformation initiative that began in 2016, which aims to improve operational efficiency, boost productivity, and optimize the company’s business model. As part of this transformation, Cladspray Solutions has developed a new 11,500 sq ft headquarters in Norwich, which will enable the company to meet the growing demand for its services.

The new purpose-built offices and refurbished warehouse will also provide space for running training programs, further supporting the company’s efforts to enhance its operational capabilities. Cladspray Solutions was founded by Tom Carter in 2013, who identified the need for cladding respray services for industrial units in the region. Over the past 10 years, the business has experienced exponential growth and was included in the Financial Times FT1000 list in both 2022 and 2023. This prestigious list ranks Europe’s fastest-growing companies, with Cladspray Solutions being one of only five UK construction and engineering firms listed in its latest edition.

The company’s expansion and recognition on the FT1000 list are a testament to its success and the effectiveness of its business transformation efforts. With a focus on operational efficiency and meeting growing demand for its services, Cladspray Solutions is poised for continued growth and success in the years to come. This expansion also represents a significant investment in the local economy, as the company’s growth will create new job opportunities and contribute to the overall economic development of the Norwich area. Overall, Cladspray Solutions’ recent growth and expansion demonstrate the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the commercial spray painting industry.

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