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Norwich’s Lucy Healy up for 2023 UK Hair and Beauty Awards

Lucy Healy, the owner of Lash with Lucy in the city, has been nominated in the “Best New Talent” category at the UK Hair and Beauty Awards. The awards are one of the industry’s largest annual shows and a much-celebrated ceremony for industry professionals. Lucy started her business late last year and expressed surprise at being nominated for a national award. A little over a year ago, she had no direction in her life and couldn’t envision herself in any career. It was only after receiving encouragement from those around her that she decided to try out a beauty course, and she fell in love with the job. Lucy described herself as incredibly proud of where she is today and thanked her clients and supporters for their help.

The UK Hair and Beauty Awards is an invite-only event that celebrates the hair and beauty industry and features a red-carpet event with celebrity guest speakers and musicians. This year’s winners will be announced at the 2024 event, which promises to be “bigger and better” than any before. Lucy Healy expressed her excitement at being nominated and thanked her clients and everyone who supported her, acknowledging that she couldn’t have achieved her success without them. Lucy, who began her business just over a year ago, is looking forward to the awards and is proud of how far she has come.

The UK Hair and Beauty Awards is a prestigious event that draws industry professionals and is known for its glamorous red-carpet event. Lucy Healy, who is nominated in the “Best New Talent” category, started her business last year and expressed gratitude for the support she has received from her clients and everyone who has helped her along the way. She described her journey as one of self-discovery and expressed immense pride in how far she has come. The awards ceremony, which will take place in 2024, promises to be a memorable event, and Lucy is looking forward to being a part of it.

The UK Hair and Beauty Awards is one of the industry’s largest and most celebrated events, with a glamorous red-carpet event and celebrity guest speakers and musicians. Lucy Healy has been nominated in the “Best New Talent” category and expressed her surprise and gratitude for the recognition. She began her business just over a year ago and credited the encouragement she received from those around her for helping her find her passion in the beauty industry. Lucy is proud of her journey and looks forward to the awards ceremony, where this year’s winners will be announced. She thanked her clients and supporters for their help, acknowledging that she couldn’t have achieved her success without them.

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