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Scripture teacher charts route to Promised Land

After moving from Fishergate to Antingham Hall, Jill Gower has renamed her ministry and is launching on a new teaching series.

Call to Prayer moved nearly a year ago and although it is very much the same ministry, Jill has renamed it Light House Norwich on the basis of several prophetic words. “Our hope to be a light in the darkness,” she says. “Although it has been a very challenging time for us as a ministry, we are very pleased to be based in Heartsease.”

Jill is continuing her teaching on a Thursday morning from 10.00 am with worship, prayer and a deeper study into the Word of God. Currently she is looking at the Book of Joshua and how very relevant it is for us in the days we are living in. “We really believe that the LORD has a new template for us,” said Jill. “His people going forward, and that the old has gone and we must now seek Him for what the Church could be in this day of so much change.”

For Jill the crossing of the River Jordan symbolises a transition into another realm in God, as things are not the same post the lockdowns and the disruption of Covid. “Most of us are aware we cannot just go back to the same old ways of doing things. Before the Israelites were given the Tabernacle, Moses had to spend time up the mountain of the Lord receiving the pattern for what would contain the Shekinah glory of God. Our first priority is to spend time in that place with the Lord getting His pattern for the days we are in.

“The Book of Joshua is so profound right now as they were leaving one era behind and taking hold of their inheritance. Today is a day of great opportunity for the Church as everything else seems to be falling apart around us, but those who build on the Rock of Christ remain. Just as God gave Joshua very specific instructions before they could cross over, likewise we also have to prepare ourselves for what the future Church could look like. They had to get themselves right with God before they could take down the strongholds that lay before them. For us mediating on the word of God, circumcising our hearts, following the Presence of God, getting our supplies ready, being prepared to sow into the land in order to reap.”

There is worship and each session stands alone. The new venue has ample free parking in the street and limited parking on site. “It is good and right to gather together,” said Jill, “and although Zoom has been a lifeline during these times, nothing is a substitute for getting together again. We do include Zoom in our Thursdays and also have put our teaching on YouTube but if possible would encourage you to join us.”

The Light House is also offering Freedom prayer which is based on Sozo prayer but a little more inclusive. “People are carrying so much at the moment, and we long to see them come to Jesus and be set free.”

Jill is in the process too of putting together some Bible studies based on how to hear God from His Word by His Spirit, and also hopes to offer discipleship courses. “A very warm welcome awaits you if you wish to join the Light House Norwich. I think we have a unique calling,” she concludes, “and we can all add our piece of the jigsaw puzzle to the Body of Christ, supporting and loving one another.”

Pictured above is Light House Norwich at Antingham Hall.





Eldred Willey, 30/05/2022

Read the full article here

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