Lowestoft Christians launch on-line bible helps app

The Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth branch of Good News for Everyone (GNFE), formerly the Gideons, have introduced a new mobile phone app called On-line Bible Helps.
Mike Cadman, GNFE chairman, has developed the secure website wordsofwisdom.org.uk to provide on line Bible helps, similar to those found in a GNFE Bible or New Testament. This can now be reached using a mobile phone app via the QR code below.
Mike explained, “During the Covid pandemic many GNFE Bibles were removed from hotel bedrooms. Here at the Lowestoft branch we sought an alternative and/or additional resource which would be easily accessible from a mobile phone. The National Office of GNFE have allowed the branch to pilot the website in our area.”
The QR codes have been reproduced on A5 laminates which can be placed almost anywhere, and fifty hotels in the area have already received them. The Bible Helps under each topic, which range from ‘Depression’ to ‘Financial Problems’ open as a PDF file. In addition, all the verses have been recorded and can be accessed as audio files to listen to as well as read.
Mike says “Please take a look – look for www.wordsofwisdom.org.uk in your browser, or use the QR code on your phone. There are links to other resources too. If you are blessed, save the site on your home page. Words of Wisdom: It is a WOW!”
Mike also runs www.revivaluk.org.uk
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Tony Rothe, 04/11/2022
Read the full article here